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The Great Big Governance Guide 2024
A free to download guide to governance. Containing hyperlinks, top tips, questions to ask, templates and graphics to make you think. The GBGG is 75 pages of governance info designed for those new to governance.
The Great Big Governance Glossary 2024 -[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]
An independent research report looking at the key role that agendas play in effective governance.
Effective Agenda Planning - SBW Governan[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [432.9 KB]
Agendas - what's the point?
A pdf of a powerpoint presentation I gave to governors and clerks. The slides give you an opportunity to reflect on the role of the agenda as a 'washing line' for your agenda items.
Agenda Planning.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]

Some personal thoughts on the second core function - holding to account. I am available to lead conversations.


Holding to account some thoughts dec 2020 (

Clerking Competency Framework Compliance[...]
Microsoft Word document [48.5 KB]
Guide to Confidentiality May 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [138.3 KB]
A toolkit to help you think about the Nolan Principles
Thinking about Nolan.docx
Microsoft Word document [13.1 KB]
This is a simple toolkit to help you to think about motivation and enthusiasm - comments welcome! It's not scientific but I hope it generates a discussion and some reflection.
enthusiam map.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [110.0 KB]
Blank for your own amusement
A-Z of Governance blank.docx
Microsoft Word document [15.5 KB]
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