SBW Governance is a small consultancy based in North Staffordshire run by Fee Stagg. Fee is a firm believer in the saying 'governance is governance is governance'
Fee is a National Leader of Governance, Chair of Governors, and an Independent Clerk and Governance Professional in both the maintained and academy sectors and works both with and for governors, schools (and academies) She also works with Local Authorities supporting effective governance.
Fee undertakes and participates in as much CPD/PDP as possible and supports the power of networking and collaboration in order to improve and support governance across the system. She is also an active facilitator.
If you would like more information or would like to work with us please get in touch. Copies of her CV are available on request from
And if you have a few moments to spare check out The Clerk's Elbow for a light-hearted blog on clerking and governance behaviours.
I am also the Chair of a small but growing Multi Academy Trust. It's all very exciting!
NEWS (bit old now but ...)
Fee was thrilled to be a finalist in the bi-annual NGA Oustanding Clerk of Year in 2017 - you can read the press release from the NGA here; and in 2019 I was clerk to one of the finalists in the Vision and Values category and as an aside was a ex-trustee at one of the joint winners.