Fee is honoured to be an Associate Consultant for Purple Governance owned by Jane Owens MBE. Jane is a vastly experienced Governance Consultant based in The Wirral and was awarded the MBE for services to education. Jane (and her other Associates) can be contacted via her website.
If you would like to work with me or share opportunities then do please get in touch. I love working with like-minded people!
National Leaders of Governance have been appointed by the National College for Teaching and Leadership and can be found by searching using your postcode.
Fee works and is in regular contact with a number of NLG and experienced Governors across the country.
Fee is thrilled to be associated with a number of teaching schools and Teaching School Hubs in various capacities and attends a number of sub regional network meetings - flying the flag for governance.
Pupil Premium Reviews are powerful tools and often include important recommendations for Governors. Many NLE are trained and experienced in undertaking Pupil Premium Reviews. Fee is currently undertaking her PP Reviewer training - Covid permitting. If you think your school would benefit from a PP Review please get in touch.