Fee is an experienced Chair of Governors and Trustees as well as being a National Leader of Governance and an independent Clerk to Governors. She currently works for a number of Multi Academy Trusts providing a Governance Professional Service. This gives her a unique insight into the day to day workings of school governance.
As an NLG Fee undertakes
Fee leads and facilitates bespoke governor and clerk training and governance development sessions in schools and MATS as well as delivering training for a range of individual clients.
She is the chair or member of a range of subregional strategy boards and Maths Hubs.
She is an active member of numerous networks and undertakes and facilitates regular CPD and training across the country. She also works with a number of National Leaders of Education and is a firm believer in the power of collaboration; or as what one of her Associates calls it 'Governance Sans Frontiers' - an excellent description.
Fee clerks and governs at a range of primary settings including the maintained sector, Multi Academy Trust Boards, a small rural school and a Middle School. She has successfully completed the National College for Teaching and Leadership's Clerk's Development Programme and has also delivered this programme to new and experienced clerks.
Fee is an avid tweeter - @ClerkEd for clerk based musings and @SBWGovernance