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An independent research report looking at the key role that agendas play in effective governance.
Effective Agenda Planning - SBW Governan[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [432.9 KB]
Agendas - what's the point?
A pdf of a powerpoint presentation I gave to governors and clerks. The slides give you an opportunity to reflect on the role of the agenda as a 'washing line' for your agenda items.
Agenda Planning.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]

Some personal thoughts on the second core function - holding to account. I am available to lead conversations.


Holding to account some thoughts dec 2020 (

Clerking Competency Framework Compliance[...]
Microsoft Word document [48.5 KB]
Guide to Confidentiality May 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [138.3 KB]
A toolkit to help you think about the Nolan Principles
Thinking about Nolan.docx
Microsoft Word document [13.1 KB]
An A-Z of governance
What's yours?
A-Z of Governance (2).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [159.4 KB]
This is a simple toolkit to help you to think about motivation and enthusiasm - comments welcome! It's not scientific but I hope it generates a discussion and some reflection.
enthusiam map.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [110.0 KB]
Blank for your own amusement
A-Z of Governance blank.docx
Microsoft Word document [15.5 KB]
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